Tuesday, November 25, 2008

a late heavy revey....

O my, let me tell you. Today, it was GREAT, no, AWESOME. We did the Thanksgiving dinner for the community and I had a blast. I came home and had a call, very unpleasant. I was determined to stay up all night and pray. So far I have succeeded. Right now it is 12:11 am. So Good Morning! But I was reading my bible in Psalm, and was reading where my mom had read while I was in the hospital. Man the memories that flooded back. It was like I was there again, reliving the moment. I read a little further and came to Psalms 23. You know "The Lord is my Shepherd..." WOW! The revelation God has given me. For you it may be nothing. But sometimes the simple ABC's is what hits home for us. (if that makes sense) I got the first 3 verses down pat, and all I can say is WOW! In verse 1, it says "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not be in want." Well shepherds provide, protect, and guide. So if God is our provider we will not want, we will graze on his word, which leads me to my next verse. "He makes me lay down in green pastures. He leads me to quiet waters." OK. well first green means life, pastures is like grazing, grazing is like feeding, or feasting, on Gods word. OK. So now Quiet Waters. Quiet is a peaceful, relaxing time, free from uproar or noise. There are times were we need to be away from the noise or uproar and graze on his word. Now water is a refreshing, cleansing, and/or purifying, time/place, water also flows. Gods presence flows through us. Water also floods. God floods us with his presence, with his love, his joy, and his peace. Now, verse 3, "He restores my soul..." He restores my soul!!!! How awesome is that!?!?!Retore means to bring back into existence or use, to bring or put back into a former or original state, to put again in possession of something. The only one who can take from us is the devil. So if we change the words here's what it would sound like:
"The Lord is my provider, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in life, grazing/feasting on his word/love. He leads me to a peaceful refreshment. And He puts in use, what the enemy has stolen from me."
How awesome is that!?!?! I hope this makes sense to you all. I was so excited that I jotted it down and I decided since I was up, that I may as well type it up. Right now it is 12:39am and I should get back to reading, studying, and praying. I hope this is as exciting to you as it was to me. Enjoy and God Bless!!!!!!!

Have A Jesus Filled Day,
Ruthie Trimarchi

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Do YOU want to hear the Heartbeat of Heaven?


Hope you enjoy this video.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


WOW, God is awesome! that is all I have to say...

Be Blessed,
Anna Marie

Monday, November 10, 2008


Ok. Hi! I know it has been a little while since I have written, but I was reading Deut. today and I though it applied to us today. Deut. 11:13-32. In there is he stresses the point of making sure they obey the Lords commands. Thought it was interesting. Be Blessed!!! Remember Jesus Loves You!

Have A Jesus Filled Day,
Ruthie Trimarchi

Thursday, October 23, 2008

David and Goliath

WOW!! God has been showing me lots of things. I was reading a book by David Swan, The Power of Prophetic Worship, and it has been amazing. I am over half ways through the book, and they were talking about Goliath and how when he walked through the valley, and spoke, he knew that the Israelites would fear and tremble at the SOUND of his voice. The sound. But, David thought he was irogant for doing that. He made Goliath listen, David was made fun of for speaking victoriously, BUT Goliath STILL listened. He made fun of David, but he still listened. We have listened to the enemy TOO long. It's time that we are heard. We may, no WILL be made fun of by him, but it is important that we be like David and not fear him because of how BIG and scary he may look or sound. Hope this speaks to you like it did to me. Be Blessed!
Have A Jesus Filled Day,
Ruthie Trimarchi

Sunday, October 19, 2008

My Pastor's Sermon!

Hello Everybody!
Today of course is Sunday and I went to church with the family! My pastor (Pastor Craig Riggle), we call him P. Moo, has been teaching on being scent, broken down into three sermons so far as (scent, cent, sent). Today was being sent. He showed this video.

You can watch it over and over, it still makes me laugh! On a more "serious" note it ties in with the message on being "sent" because sometimes we feel like we are being sent by God and we take off and then "hit/run into a tree". Well P. Moo, very good word this morning, I will be thinking about it all this week!

Ok so now people can't say the Trimarchi's are completely silent :D (sorry about that) God is still working in us (I promise!)!! We just haven't taken time to sit and "write" or type about it!

Be Blessed,
Anna Marie

Monday, October 6, 2008

Walmart video

Hello Everybody!
I know that we haven't posted anything for a while...
I wanted to post this though to give you some laughs...there is nothing spiritual or anything about it but they say that "Laughter is good for the soul." Enjoy!


Saturday, July 12, 2008

"Healer" Song by Hillsong United

This is a powerful song!!
Be Blessed,
Anna Marie

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Latest News:Emergency Spinal Chord Neuro Surgery

Here is the e-mail I sent to everybody in my contacts. I know it has been FOREVER since I/we have written and now that I am finally out of the hospital I can get on the blog. I have internet but not on my laptop so I can't put up the Joshua devotional yet. But here is what God has done in the last week and a half. If you already got the e-mail and didn't save it and watned to here you go. Pass it on so that others CAN be blessed!!!! If you have any questions post a comment and I will check this as often as I can.

GOD IS AWESOME!!!!! This past March I fell over Easter weekend and hit my tail bone and spine and went numb from waist down. I have been numb since then. I started treating with my Chiropractor when I came home and the numbness left my legs but was still in my feet. And my mothers insurance ran out at the end of April so I stopped going to the Chiropractor to see how I would do. The numbness started immediately working its way back up my legs. So then I went to a Patricia King Conference with my friend and got prayed for by her and my numbness got worse. I started treating with the Chiropractor again and the numbness STARTED going back down my legs but then I stopped progressing. It started coming back up my legs and starting to work its way up the rest of my body. I was very quickly loosing my ability to walk and was getting weaker everyday and started falling and um...so our Chiropractor asked for a 2ND opinion. We came down to Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh on the 30Th of June for my very first appointment which was the first day of me being on my dads insurance for a normal doctors appointment with a Neurologist. After she evaluated me for about an hour and a half, she brought in the doctor over her to evaluate me for another hour. They decided to admit me for a STAT MRI which I was only supposed to wait an hour. In the mean time I was sent to the Emergency room to get an IV so that they could put 1,000 mg. of Prednisone in me to decrease the swelling on my spinal chord. When I finally got into the MRI, after waiting 2 hours, in ER a 1 hour MRI turned into a 4 hour MRI and about 9:30 my parents were talking to a Neurosurgeon. So we find out as soon as i get out of the MRI's that I have had a lesion in my spine for a long time and they do not know what it is yet and they are still testing it. They are checking to see if it is a low grade tumor. The lesion was crushing my spinal chord and with in 12 hours I would have been paralyzed. I went into Emergency surgery that night, and was out of recovery around 3am Tuesday morning. I was transferred to a in house therapy at Children's Institute in Pittsburgh. I got out on Tueday, July 8th, 2008. I HOME!!!!! God has used this whole experience for his glory from the time that I got out. I had a room mate that had gotten surgery a couple days before me and was in a lot of pain. God laid it on my heart to pray for her and when I did a peace came in the room. Now I was still on morphine and something else more potent than morphine. Then she left and another girl came ICU and she was in a lot of pain and was crying for about an hour because of the IVs that she had. I got out of bed and went and laid hands on her and she quieted down and fell asleep. As we have shared about the Lord and how he has provided from the insurance to me not eating that day to be ready for the surgery that we didn't know that we were going to have, to witnessing to nurses, families, and other staff members. And the time that we got to spend with our own family that was in the hospital getting chemo at that time, God even allowed us to tell another family about the revival in Lakeland FL that didn't know that it was going on so that they can get online and watch it and be blessed. WE SERVE AN AWESOME GOD!!!! He gave us enough of emergency to put us where we are at, so that he could love all these people through us. How GREAT is the love of our GOD!!!! Our faith and love has been increased GREATLY through this incredible experience. Our family has pulled together even closer through this all. It has even been a blessing as people in our church have been calling and taking care of us as far as calling in and checking up on us and sending us food. We are SOOO Blessed!!!! So send this testimony on to encourage someone else. Hopefully this blesses you and everyone who reads it.

Thank You ALL for you prayers it helped me through. I love you ALL. Be Blessed!!!! Have A Jeuss Filled Day!!!!

Ruthie Trimarchi

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Sorry guys, I was going to take my laptop out to Harrisburg with me when we went out over the weekend and forgot it so I haven't really been able to do my quite time. But I was reading P.C.'s blog and how they talked about ushering Gods presence on Wednesday night. But something that really clicked with me over the weekend with Tina, Kathy, Gert, Anna, and I is that WE ARE the temple. And Gods presence is IN US. Where ever we are we already have the presence. It's a matter of recognizing it. Knowing that it their and using it. Radiating God glory. Something to think about. I am still working on my quite time and looking into Joshua. Be Blessed!! Have A Jesus Filled Day!! Let God Pour Out His Blessings and Favor on You Today!!

Let Jesus Shine Through You,
Ruthie Trimarchi

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Long Time...

I know it has been I long time since we have writen but I am working now on something God is showing me. I have been praying for fresh revalation and God is giving it to me like never before. I am telling you when I put what God is showing me out, you best have lots of time. It will take FOREVER to read but it's all in 1 document. I am not sure when I will put it out but soon. I am fixin' to go to bed here it is 1:30 and still up. Today I have a busy day and don't want to be crabby. Love You! Be Blessed!!!! May God pour mercy and favor on your life that it never stops flowing!!! May what God gives you, you give it out!!!!

God Bless You Abundantly,
Ruthie Trimarchi

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Something I Thought Was Intresting

While having my quiet time the other day and I saw this and it really spoke to me. When going through difficult times, what path will I choose, bitterness and complaint, or contentment and praise? This choice we face everyday. Bitterness dampens and eventually destroys love for God. It eats away at the statement: God is Love. But contentment is the opposite: It fuels the heart with endless reasons to praise God. I have been reading a book called The Unquenchable Worshipper. It is amazing. This is my second time going through it and this time I am taking notes. I have really had to look at my heart and repent for a lot of things. I never realized what needed to be taken care of. This book is mainly for worship leaders but it addresses us as worshippers to. I am both. I am the youth "worshipper leader" in a way. Actually P.A. is, but we are under him as leaders. Anna, Katie, Kody, Amber and I. We have to make sure of the reasons we are up there singing. On the other hand, when I am a worshipper, do we(I) worship when none is looking or is it just when we are at church. Worship is not singing songs, clapping hands, or playing music. It a song from our hearts to God. I wonder if we were to take away music how long could we worship? We(including me) need to take time by our selves and worship and praise God for who he is.
Also something that's has also been on my mind today is that when we go through difficult situations, when we have those chains on our feet, and our hands are bound, we still praise him. You know the song Shackles, by Mary Mary? Take the shackles off my feet SO I can dance, I want to praise you. That word SO means after you take the chain off, I will dance and praise you, I know that it would be pretty hard to dance with shackles on but we need to praise TO Get the shackle off of our feet. Something I thought of. Hope You All Have A GREAT Day!!!!! Be Blessed!!!

Have A Jesus Filled Day,

P. S. Here is something else that spoke to me: The heart of God loves the offerings of a persevering worshipper. Though over-whelmed by many troubles, they are even more over-whelmed by the beauty of God.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Convention '08

Hey guys! Here is a video of my youth group at the PennDel Youth Convention 2008!

Good Morning!

It is now 8:37 am on Monday. Today is the day to start a new week and I am excited about what God is going to do in me everyday this week! I am not a morning person so right now I am VERY tired. I am actually in the middle of my Pre-Calculus class. But don't worry I am paying attention and learning. Last week I posted a blog about Convention. But I thought that was all I wanted to write for that blog because I had something else to write about and didn't want to put them both in the same blog. Ok I am now out of my Pre-cal class. Now what I wanted to write last week that I haven't had time to write 'till now is about a dream that I had and woke up from the very same morning I posted my last blog which was Tuesday, April 8, 2008. I am going to write what I remember. Ruth and I were in a public school setting. (Becky might have been there to, but I don't remember.) So we were in this actual public school, only we were still in our Cyber school. (which for those that don't know, our cyber school is public school done at home on the computer) We were here to take tests like PSSA's or something. And Ruth was one of a few kids that got drawn for something. Like they one something. So the press wanted to interview her the next morning (and I had been at the school for a while but I hadn't seen her that morning) so they came to me and asked where she was. I pointed them in the direction she should be and they left. Later on I went to find Ruth and I did. After looking for a little bit I found her with all these other kids (her age) all in the same room. They were practicing for a play. Actually they were kids that I knew when I went to public school when I was in 2nd-5th grade. We were talking and they needed someone to fill a part for them and they asked me to do it and I did. It was one of the shortest lines in the whole thing and should have been easy for me to remember but try as I might I couldn't. It also was the funniest part in the whole play. Anywho, I did it and the play was successful. Now we were in this huge room and the whole school was in an assembly type thing, so all the kids were sitting on the ground. Now these two ladies got up. They were like chaperone's or something for a group and they were saying how they wanted to get into this one country to take the cyber school there, but the government wouldn't let them. You see they really wanted to get the school in there but they also wanted to spread the word of God and use the school as a cover up so the government wouldn't find out. And then they said how they needed to get people healed so that they could get saved. And for some reason I said under my breath, " No, you need to get people saved, so that they can be healed." Nobody heard me say this though. Then one of the principals or someone in charge of the whole place stood up. And I knew this person and they really respected me even though I was still a teen and she was an adult. I was actually standing in back watching the kids and she was sitting with some a couple of feet away and beside me. She stood up and was counseling them. She was telling them something about them needing to get someone who wasn't at there level of maturity yet and that had the gift of healing so that they would know where God had brought them from and things like that. And then all of a sudden, since I was standing there I guess, she said "For example, take Anna,"and went on "if she had the gift of healing." (she went on using me as the example but I don't remember what she said. As soon as she said "if she had the gift of healing", I politely interrupted and said "actually ma'am, it is funny that you said that because it has been prophesied over me that I do have the gift of healing." She was shocked I think but she went on and then all of a sudden gave me the microphone. So I just started speaking into these two ladies lives and I don't remember what I said until the words "I am selfless for the heart of God." I had told these two ladies that as soon as they left that building that when they were in the parking lot they were to tell there whole group exactly what I just wrote, "I am selfless for the heart of God." Now as soon as I said this, actually I didn't even know that this came out of my mouth, but I didn't know what I had just said. As soon as I had said this, it instantly hit there spirit. There eyes started tearing up and one of them said "WOW, that was deep." As soon as she said that I was thinking to myself, "wait what did I just say" and the other lady said "selfless for.." And I then remembered what I had said. And was looking for something to write it on. As soon as I woke up, I totally forgot what I had said again and I prayed that God would remind me so that I could write it down and he did like 30 seconds later.
Now the weird and yet awesome thing about this is that I have never in my life heard this saying and I had been praying that God would give me brand new revelation, not revelation that had been used so much in the past. I wanted mysteries of God revealed to me. And I believe that this is what God wanted to show me first. I honestly don't know what this fully means yet but I believe that through this word God is going to reveal something great! And I also thought about what was prophesied over me at Convention when that one lady said, "After this weekend, there is going to be a change. And you are going to see what God has planned and is going to start doing..." So this really blessed me! Alright well I have a driving permit test to study for today!!!! And I need to get going because I have a class in 10 min. Have a great day!!!

Be Blessed,
Anna Marie

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

An update...

This is Anna. Convention was about 2 1/2 weeks ago. And I believe that God did some amazing things in our youth group that weekend. Some of the things I think He is still doing and working on and hasn't showed us yet. The last night we were there, I was prophesied over. Which really blessed me. It was in-line with things that have been prophesied over me in the past. The lady was right on. She would pray over me and then tell me while she was praying what God told her to. If you understand that. So she said that there was a fear in me to give something completely to God. She then went on to pray and rebuke the bondage of insecurity on me.I believe that God had her say and pray these two things over me because it was the two issues that he needed to deal with before He got to this! She said that I was a queen. And that I needed to put on my crown and start walking like a queen, not worrying about what everybody else thought or said about me and let that affect me. And then that I had such a very high calling on my life. She said a couple of times how high this calling was. And that after that weekend there was going to be a change. I was going to being seeing what God was going to be doing and that I was to see thousands saved and I was the one that was to lead them to God. And that the day was coming soon when it was going to start taking place. This is pretty awesome. Since God has given me a heart for the youth and I have been called to be a youth pastor I just can't wait. I will write a little later I have to get back to my Spanish class right now! Have a great day!

Be Blessed,
Anna Marie

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Doctors Apooinment

Hello I saw my Chiropractor yesterday and my legs and feet are still numb but he is going to see me again on Friday. I got the shots and Anna made it sound worse than it really was, it was only a poke in the arm. I was fine and got worked up for nothing. I tried and tried giving it over to God while in the waiting room but each time I did that it got worse and worse. But I lived. So thank you for all or your prayers. Be Blessed!!!!!

Have A Jesus Filled Day,

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A little about Suzanne...

hello there,I'm Sara,Anna,Ruthie,Becky and Cozy's Mom(Cozy,s our 14lb. peekapoo)With all the girls in our house Mark, my husband needed a little moral support so we have Cozy. Mark and I are Happily married we have a wonderful family and are excited about what God is doing in our lives and in the lives of our children. This past year has definitely been a year were God has been refining us. But I am so thankful for His Grace and His Mercy. He has been so faithful to us in so many ways and has continued to prove to us that He is faithful, not that He has to do that. He would still be who He is Even if He didn't prove one thing to us. I know that when I Start to get discouraged at different times. HE will remind me that He has not brought us out this far to abandon us. The enemy is the one who comes to kill, steal, and destroy. but my Jesus has come that I may have life and have it to the full.(John 10: 10) You see when I have Him I have everything I need. I am whole, there is nothing lacking. This is one of the many revelations that the Lord has given me personally this past year. It's not that I have never read these verses before. The truth is I have read them many times, it's just that THE WORD is not just head knowledge it is becoming heart knowledge. This is not only true for me but also for the rest of my family. Jesus is the Best thing that has ever happen to me! I don't know where I'd be without him. He is Worthy of my Praise. He IS My El Shaddai(God of More than enough,Almighty God), My Adoni(Master), My Elohim(God, Mighty Creator). After all that he has done for me, how can I not take possession of Him and Make Him totally mine.

Just thought of Something..........

Good Morning!!!!! Something I was going to put up yesterday, I think that one reason God let us go on was he that some of us would not get into worship if we hadn't because it happened last year. But I promised God that either way I would be just as happy. But anyway, he let us get into worship, and that was the greatest night of all. He really gave us a second chance to going on. I want to thank Pastor Craig and Miss Bethany, and Pastor Art and Miss Billie for being my HERO'S. I thank you for being there, I always look up to you guys whether you know it or not. I love you and would do anything for you.
On another note, I go to my chiropractor today to see why my legs and feet are still numb. I fell on Friday at convention and have been numb since. I hope that it is only a pinched nerve. I will let everyone know when I get home. I also get shots today for Panama. I hate shots and need prayer for that also. I hope God pours out his BLESSINGS and FAVOR on you today and the days to come. Be Blessed!!!!!

Have A Jesus Filled Day,

Saturday, March 22, 2008

I forgot......

I just thought of something else that really got me thinking, it was a phrase that was said during a skit: God will let things happen that he hates, to gain something/someone he loves. Think about that. Be Blessed!!!!!

Have A Jesus Filled Day,


I want to say HAPPY BIIRTHDAY to Anna. She is 16 today. Happy B-day!!!


Fine Arts

Sorry we haven't written. We have been busy with fine arts. We are moving on to nationals. But convention was the best part. Last night best of all, I have been filled with the spirit a little over a year now and haven't spoken out loud in front of anybody before and last night I couldn't help it. Something in me pushed it out. I have a double prophetic mantle and I have dreams and stuff but I have never prophesied over anybody. And last night I did. I made me fell great, but not in a prideful way. In a way that I had succeeded in something that I have tried so hard to do. But the funny thing about it, I didn't realize what I was doing in a way. Last night I heard Anna praying for Becky and went up and was speaking in tongues and that was the first time I had spoken out for anybody to hear me. Then I turned around and saw this girl, never met her in my life, and went down to pray for her. I was speaking in tongues and I had thought that I had a prophecy but wasn't sire if it was false. So I asked this girl some questions and it confirmed that is was totally true. I was so overjoyed and I was right on with what was going on and how I was able to prophecy over her. I was/am so glad God was able to use me. Not only that but that I obeyed. I gave myself reasons not to but it wasn't me who walked down there I will tell you that. I have prayed that I would be in unison with God, and I will tell you now that it was all God. I would have never done it without him. I am so excited that he lead me and I followed.
On another note. When we came out of that last service, last night, I noticed that God had changed us. I think that the youth group has changed. For me it has. Wednesday the day we left, there was a lot of tension between the drama team. but after last night it was different. Yes, we are going to mess up, because none of us are perfect, but yes we will not be the same if we dig into Gods word and seek with our whole hearts. If we run to him he will run to us. Jeremiah 29:13 says: You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. When we call, he hears us, its just a matter of if we hear his answer, or whether or not that is the answer we want.
I hope this speaks to you there are more but I forgot my notebook and a friend took notes and has the notes so I will post more when I get the notes hopefully tomorrow. I hope that we all (including me) dig into Gods word and run to him, call to him, and hope that we hear the answer. I hope we take this to heart and apply it. I hope this blesses you and I am sure my sister or maybe even sisters will share with you all what God has shown them. Be Blessed!!!!!

Have A Jesus Filled Day,
Ruthie Trimarchi

Thursday, March 13, 2008

A little more about Anna...

Hello! Again, I wanted to write just a little bit more about me just so that you can get to know me and my family a little better. I spend a lot of time at my home church called the New Life Center. It is an A/G church. We have an awesome pastor and his family is so cute. He and his wife just had there second child the other day and she is so beautiful. There son who is about 2 years old is the cutest thing ever and man does he have an anointing for worship. My Pastor,(Pastor Craig Riggle), and his wife Bethany are so sweet. Both are very young (for being senior pastors of a church) but both are annointed. Then there are my youth pastors! Fun, awesome, and pretty sweet as well. There names are Pastor Art and Billie. They have an awesome impact on my life and I look up to both of them and highly respect them. That goes for Pastor Craig and Miss Bethany as well. These are probably the two most important families in my life outside of my own and my southern family. Now over the last 2 years God has been stirring in my heart, something for the youth. Before that time My family and I had planned on me always becomming a doctor and going and living at my aunt house(she's a doctor) and getting trained under her and stuff. Not that I don't love her but that all seemed to a great plan and that is what I felt I wanted to do. I had my whole life planned out and that is what I thought God wanted me to do. Then I moved South. We went to a baptist church and missed the Pentecostal church and God led us to Breakthrough Outreach Center in Spartanburg, SC. And that is where he started stirring up in me to be a youth pastor and really start ministering to the youth. I got a lot of word put in me down there, some of it hasn't come out of me yet, while some has. God really did a lot of molding in my life and changed me to a completely different person that what everybody used to know me as. That is where Ruth and I are a lot alike. Her and I both have a heart for the youth and we have a heart for worship. Ruth and I are in the worship team here at the NLC, in both youth and adult, and we were acutally in the adult worship team down south too! We are just in different parts. In the south, Ruth was apart of the dance team and I in the multimedia(sound team). We both got a lot of training down there and when we came back both of us sing in the youth worship team and in the adult worship she is one of the vocals and I am in the sound room. Where another thing that God is leading me to go into for college, multimedia! Umm..right now I can't think of anything else to write but very soon we will start pouring out our hearts and what God has been showing us, so keep checking for anything new. Have a great day!

P.S. and hopefully my dad and mom will get on here as well as my youngest sister, Becky, and start telling about themselves as well!

Be Blessed,
Anna Marie

Monday, March 10, 2008

About Ruthie

I am a young woman of God who is growing and maturing in the Lord everyday. I have 3 sisters. One which is married and the other 2 which live here at home. My parents are together and are happily married. I hope to one day have a family of my own and I plan on going to college for becoming a youth Pastor and Worship leader. I love being active at church and spending time with my family. I love my church family. Mainly the Pastors. I know them more than anybody and I love the youth group. I also love my church Family down south for the 2 years that we were down there. I love to dance and my favorite thing to do is worship. Worship is a big part of my life and the best part other than God being in my life. I hope that you will be encouraged by what the Lord shows me.

About Anna

Hello, I am one of Ruthie's older sister's. Actually I am the oldest sister living in the house. As Ruthie said, my sister Sara is married and doesn't live here anymore. Anywho, just a little bit about myself. Except for the two years that I lived in SC, I grew up here in PA. Being in SC had to be the two best years of my life so far but I expect even greater and better years to come my way.I am a born again Christian and take my walk with my Lord and God seriously. Many people think that Christians "are boring" or "don't have any fun", when in fact I have fun all the time and you don't find me acting ugly very often. And when you do I snap out of it really fast(Ruthie usually takes care of that :D ). I have the gift of healing and of leadership and as I mature in my walk with God he teaches me how to use them correctly. One of the biggest and hardest lessons that I have had to learn in the gift of leadership is that to be a leader is to SERVE (it's easier said than done). And even though it hasn't been easy God has never left my side and has been my hiding place for my entire life. I am very thankful for my family escpecially for my dad and mom. They have supported me through some very hard times. They know the word of God and I trust there judgement which I learned to trust the hard way. (Word of advice: when mom says "God told me this", or "God said to go this way", or "God told me to help you with this", you had better listen.) She knows what she is talking about. And it's not that I don't listen to my dad when he says that, it is just I am a lot closer with my mom than I am with my dad. So that is just a little bit about me you may see some more blogs posted soon about what God is doing in the people around me (including myself) or just what he is showing me.
Be Blessed,
Anna Marie

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

99 Balloons

Today I was searching a video on God Tube and when I was about to click search after I had typed in what I wanted a movie started playing so I stopped and watched it. It's about a baby that only lived a short time. Before I go on and tell you everything watch it. http://www.godtube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=c975d005cd2c4d261f7f
Now I have been on their blog http://www.ninetynineballoons.com/ and read little pieces of what they said in different blogs. It spoke to me alot. Enjoy!