Trimarchi Blogger

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Opportunities to Grow!

Hey there!
It has been years since I have blogged but that's ok! I feel I need to share this!
I have been going through an amazing yet hard time in my life learning to Love God with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength and also trust him when I can't see very far ahead. And so for the last 4 days I have been on this journey with God to deal with a fear I had in my heart called "failure". One, there are many verses in the bible that talk about us as Christians, as the body of Christ, being more than conquers and overcoming all hardship all through Christ for the glory of God. So some background, I was visiting with one of my mentors and God showed me that there were some circumstances from my past that I had judged. And when I did that, I locked my self up, and forced myself to live under the law. And so many times we make judgments (which are not our place to make, only God's) and we THINK we are thinking the way God thinks or sees that situation but we really aren't. He sees it entirely differently. And when we see it through his eyes, that judgment will lift and it frees us to live under grace and then and only then we experience FREEDOM! Freedom to live, freedom in the spirit, and freedom to live in the supernatural. And so since that meeting, my mentor challenged me to ask God to see it the way he sees it and to give me his father heart over those matters. She promised that it would be completely different! So I have prayed and today I got my answer:
"I don't think that God sees it as failures, but as opportunities to grow in!!!"

Ohhh! The freedom God brings is so beautiful! and so precious!

Anna Marie :)

Friday, February 25, 2011

Storms of Life

A while back I had been studying Jesus and Peter when they walked on water. So I thought that I would share. Let me know your thoughts.
Matthew 14:22-36
vs 22. Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of
him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd.
vs 23. After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to
pray. Later that night, he was there alone,
vs 24. and the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the
waves because the wind was against it.
Let me stop there and talk about this. This tells me that when storms arise and we can't see Jesus, doesn't mean he is not doing anything. Jesus was up, praying on a mountian when the storm started, but he was interceding. Okay let me continue.
vs 25. Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake.
vs 26. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a
ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear.
vs 27. But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”
Okay stopping again. This is telling me that when we are afraid, Jesus is there. Its says that IMMEDIATLEY Jesus said to them Don't be afraid. He was there for Peter and the other disciples. He is always there, even when we don't see him. And another thing, is they didn't reconize Jesus until he stated who He was. Are you able to reconize him from the distance? Or does he have to state His name or prove who He is. Okay continueing.
vs 28. “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”
vs 29. “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and
came toward Jesus.
Stopping yet again. After reading this, in vs 28, Peter tested Jesus. He said "Lord if its really you...." How many times have we done that? We blame God for things that he isn't to blame for. Many times they are consequences from our actions or choices that we have made. I think that sometimes it is easier to blame God, or sometimes its easier to believe that its not Him talking to us. We don't want to believe it is Him. Sometimes the persecution can make us look at things and say "No, God wouldn't ask me to do that." But, sometimes God ask's us to do things just to see if we are willing to do them, to take that step of faith no matter the consequences. Sometimes He doesn't even make us follow through, like Abraham and Isaac in Genesis 22 when Abraham was tested to sacrifice Isaac. But sometimes He does require us to follow through with it. God asks us to sacrifice things all the time, but are we willing to follow through with it? Okay going on.
vs 29. (again)“Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the
water and came toward Jesus.
vs 30. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried
out, “Lord, save me!”
vs 31. Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,”
he said, “why did you doubt?”
Okay, pausing again. First of all, Peter was the only one who got out of the boat. That took courage! How many of us have the courage to get out of a boat, far out in the water, and walk? Um, not me! But he walked on the water going to Jesus, his focus being Jesus. The very next word is BUT he saw the waves. How many times are we 'walking on water' but we see the waves? Meaning, how many times are we focused on God, we have a goal to get close to him and as we reach that goal, we take our eyes off of our focus for one second and see the waves and we doubt. We look at our waves, lifes storms, or situations thrown at us and we doubt. I believe that when Peter was walking on water, Jesus was his only focus. But when he looked at the storm, his focus was on that storm and not on Jesus where it needed to be. We don't give our storms or situations over to God, so they come in crashing waves and consume us. It says in vs 30 that when Peter BEGAN to sink he cried out. He didn't wait until he was under, It was when he BEGAN to sink. Jesus didn't wait to respond to Peter either, nope he was right there. It says immediatley Jesus reached out and caight his hand. Jesus never said for Peter to wait. It wasn't "One minute!" or "Let me finish this first and then I will be there!" No, it says IMMEDIATLEY Jesus reached out and caught his hand. That means Jesus didn't let him drown, He was there, holding Peters hand in the midst of the storm, helping him through the storm. Jesus is there for us, the WHOLE time, we don't have to wait for him to come rescue us. I don't know about you but that EXCITES me! So many times we have our highs and lows in our relationship with Jesus but as long as our focus is on Jesus and not the storms of life, we too can walk on water. Remember that God's yoke is easy and His burden is light! (*) Okay 2 more vs.
vs 32. And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down.
vs 33. Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son
of God.”
Okay this is the last. This tells me that when Jesus gets in "our boat" our storm calms down, and not only that, but when we LET Jesus in, other people will notice a difference not only in us, but in our everyday lives, and that gives us our chance to witness to them.
(*) This was for a little side note. As I was reading this, Psalm 116:1-7 came to mind and goes with that little section. Hope you enjoyed, even as I typed this up God gave me new stuff and it just refreshed my mind on everything that He showed me. Hope to hear your thoughts. Sorry it has been so long since any of us have written. Be Blessed!

Have A Jesus Filled Day!
Ruthie =)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

a late heavy revey....

O my, let me tell you. Today, it was GREAT, no, AWESOME. We did the Thanksgiving dinner for the community and I had a blast. I came home and had a call, very unpleasant. I was determined to stay up all night and pray. So far I have succeeded. Right now it is 12:11 am. So Good Morning! But I was reading my bible in Psalm, and was reading where my mom had read while I was in the hospital. Man the memories that flooded back. It was like I was there again, reliving the moment. I read a little further and came to Psalms 23. You know "The Lord is my Shepherd..." WOW! The revelation God has given me. For you it may be nothing. But sometimes the simple ABC's is what hits home for us. (if that makes sense) I got the first 3 verses down pat, and all I can say is WOW! In verse 1, it says "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not be in want." Well shepherds provide, protect, and guide. So if God is our provider we will not want, we will graze on his word, which leads me to my next verse. "He makes me lay down in green pastures. He leads me to quiet waters." OK. well first green means life, pastures is like grazing, grazing is like feeding, or feasting, on Gods word. OK. So now Quiet Waters. Quiet is a peaceful, relaxing time, free from uproar or noise. There are times were we need to be away from the noise or uproar and graze on his word. Now water is a refreshing, cleansing, and/or purifying, time/place, water also flows. Gods presence flows through us. Water also floods. God floods us with his presence, with his love, his joy, and his peace. Now, verse 3, "He restores my soul..." He restores my soul!!!! How awesome is that!?!?!Retore means to bring back into existence or use, to bring or put back into a former or original state, to put again in possession of something. The only one who can take from us is the devil. So if we change the words here's what it would sound like:
"The Lord is my provider, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in life, grazing/feasting on his word/love. He leads me to a peaceful refreshment. And He puts in use, what the enemy has stolen from me."
How awesome is that!?!?! I hope this makes sense to you all. I was so excited that I jotted it down and I decided since I was up, that I may as well type it up. Right now it is 12:39am and I should get back to reading, studying, and praying. I hope this is as exciting to you as it was to me. Enjoy and God Bless!!!!!!!

Have A Jesus Filled Day,
Ruthie Trimarchi

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Do YOU want to hear the Heartbeat of Heaven?

Hope you enjoy this video.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


WOW, God is awesome! that is all I have to say...

Be Blessed,
Anna Marie

Monday, November 10, 2008


Ok. Hi! I know it has been a little while since I have written, but I was reading Deut. today and I though it applied to us today. Deut. 11:13-32. In there is he stresses the point of making sure they obey the Lords commands. Thought it was interesting. Be Blessed!!! Remember Jesus Loves You!

Have A Jesus Filled Day,
Ruthie Trimarchi

Thursday, October 23, 2008

David and Goliath

WOW!! God has been showing me lots of things. I was reading a book by David Swan, The Power of Prophetic Worship, and it has been amazing. I am over half ways through the book, and they were talking about Goliath and how when he walked through the valley, and spoke, he knew that the Israelites would fear and tremble at the SOUND of his voice. The sound. But, David thought he was irogant for doing that. He made Goliath listen, David was made fun of for speaking victoriously, BUT Goliath STILL listened. He made fun of David, but he still listened. We have listened to the enemy TOO long. It's time that we are heard. We may, no WILL be made fun of by him, but it is important that we be like David and not fear him because of how BIG and scary he may look or sound. Hope this speaks to you like it did to me. Be Blessed!
Have A Jesus Filled Day,
Ruthie Trimarchi

Sunday, October 19, 2008

My Pastor's Sermon!

Hello Everybody!
Today of course is Sunday and I went to church with the family! My pastor (Pastor Craig Riggle), we call him P. Moo, has been teaching on being scent, broken down into three sermons so far as (scent, cent, sent). Today was being sent. He showed this video.

You can watch it over and over, it still makes me laugh! On a more "serious" note it ties in with the message on being "sent" because sometimes we feel like we are being sent by God and we take off and then "hit/run into a tree". Well P. Moo, very good word this morning, I will be thinking about it all this week!

Ok so now people can't say the Trimarchi's are completely silent :D (sorry about that) God is still working in us (I promise!)!! We just haven't taken time to sit and "write" or type about it!

Be Blessed,
Anna Marie

Monday, October 6, 2008

Walmart video

Hello Everybody!
I know that we haven't posted anything for a while...
I wanted to post this though to give you some laughs...there is nothing spiritual or anything about it but they say that "Laughter is good for the soul." Enjoy!


Saturday, July 12, 2008

"Healer" Song by Hillsong United

This is a powerful song!!
Be Blessed,
Anna Marie