Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Sorry guys, I was going to take my laptop out to Harrisburg with me when we went out over the weekend and forgot it so I haven't really been able to do my quite time. But I was reading P.C.'s blog and how they talked about ushering Gods presence on Wednesday night. But something that really clicked with me over the weekend with Tina, Kathy, Gert, Anna, and I is that WE ARE the temple. And Gods presence is IN US. Where ever we are we already have the presence. It's a matter of recognizing it. Knowing that it their and using it. Radiating God glory. Something to think about. I am still working on my quite time and looking into Joshua. Be Blessed!! Have A Jesus Filled Day!! Let God Pour Out His Blessings and Favor on You Today!!

Let Jesus Shine Through You,
Ruthie Trimarchi

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